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tesa 51966 double-sided acrylic adhesive tape, transparent


tesa® 51966 is a transparent, double-sided adhesive tape with a PET film carrier and a strongly adhesive acrylate adhesive.

  • Width: see selection
  • Length: 50 meters
  • Thickness: 0.2mm (200 µm)
  • Color: highly transparent

For the attachment of e.g.:

  • steel
  • ABS
  • aluminum
  • a variety of plastics (PC, PE, PET, PP, PS, PVC)
  • a strong instant adhesive force and high final strength
  • suitable for long-term bonding outdoors
Klebekraft auf Oberflächen
Metall, Lack, Pulverlack, Glas, Keramik, Porzellan, Blei, Zinn, Stahl, Zink, Aluminium, Kupfer, Silber, Gold, Titan, Chrom, Nickel, Eisen
EVA, PMMA, PS, PC, ABS, PVA, Acrylic, PPE, Holz, PVC, Polyester, PET, PU, Nylon, Polyamid, Zement
PTFE, Silikon, Naturkautschuk, PP, PVF, PE

from 7,64 €
0,15 € per 1 m
incl. 19% VAT , incl. shipping (DE)

tesa® 51966 is a transparent, double-sided adhesive tape with a PET film carrier and a strongly adhesive acrylate adhesive. This product is like the tesa 4965, but with a cheaper liner.

It offers excellent instant adhesive strength and high final strength when processed in countless areas of application.

Suitable for long-term bonding both indoors and outdoors


  • Dimensions: different sizes to choose from
  • Number of pieces: 1 piece
  • Thickness: 200 µm
  • Color: highly transparent
  • Adhesive: Acrylate strongly adhesive on both sides
  • Protective cover: PET film carrier
  • Permanent temperature resistance: 80 degrees
  • Short temperature resistance: 130 degrees
  • Elongation at break: 55%
  • Tear force: 20 N / cm
  • Adhesive strength on ABS (initial): 10.5 N / cm
  • Adhesive strength on ABS (after 14 days): 11.5 N / cm
  • Adhesive strength on aluminum (initial): 9 N / cm
  • Adhesive strength on aluminum (after 14 days): 10 N / cm
  • Adhesive strength on PC (initial): 13 N / cm
  • Adhesive strength on PC (after 14 days): 13.5 N / cm
  • Adhesive strength on PE (initial): 7 N / cm
  • Adhesive strength on PE (after 14 days): 7.5 N / cm
  • Adhesive strength on PET (initial): 9 N / cm
  • Adhesion strength on PET (after 14 days): 9.5 N / cm
  • Adhesive strength on PP (initial): 7.5 N / cm
  • Adhesive strength on PP (after 14 days): 8 N / cm
  • Adhesive strength on PS (initial): 11 N / cm
  • Adhesive strength on PS (after 14 days): 12 N / cm
  • Adhesive strength on PVC (initial): 9 N / cm
  • Adhesive strength on PVC (after 14 days): 13 N / cm
  • Bond strength on steel (initial): 10.5 N / cm
  • Bond strength on steel (after 14 days): 11 N / cm

  • Content: 50,00 m

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5 from 5

Zeer snel en goed ontvangen.
Tape heeft een uitstekende kleefkracht.

Anonym., 16.02.2021
Rollo klebestreifen
5 from 5

Ideal zum ankleben eines Rollostoffes auf die Welle

Anonym., 10.01.2022
Klebeband doppelseitig
4 from 5

Mit dem Ergebnis bis jetzt zufrieden. Ich habe damit eine Staubschutzleiste an der Schiebetür unseres Schlafzimmerschranks sowie Aluminiumschienen auf den Kanten eines Blumenkübels im Aussenbereich befestigt.

Anonym., 25.04.2022
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